Browsing by Author Pareek, Ashwani

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Analysis of a salinity induced BjSOS3 protein from Brassica indicate it to be structurally and functionally related to its ortholog from ArabidopsisKushwaha, Hemant R.; Kumar, Gautam; Verma, Praveen K.; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Pareek, Ashwani
2024Exploring the synergistic effects of drought and heat stress on chickpea seed development: Insights into nutritional quality and seed yieldAwasthi, Rashmi; Devi, Poonam; Jha, Uday Chand; Sharma, Kamal Dev; Roorkiwal, Manish; Kumar, Sanjeev; Pareek, Ashwani; Siddique, Kadambot H.M.; Prasad, PV Vara; Parida, Swarup K.; Nayyar, Harsh
2021Gaining acceptance of novel plant breeding technologiesAnders, Sven; Cowling, Wallace; Pareek, Ashwani; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Foyer, Christine H.
2023Lactate dehydrogenase superfamily in rice and Arabidopsis: Understanding the molecular evolution and structural diversityChatterjee, Yajnaseni; Bhowal, Bidisha; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis; Pareek, Ashwani; Singla-Pareek, Sneh Lata
2024Nitric oxide, energy and redox-dependent responses to hypoxiaSamant, Sanjib Bal; Yadav, Nidhi; Swain, Jagannath; Joseph, Josepheena; Kumari, Aprajita; Praveen, Afsana; Sahoo, Ranjan Kumar; Manjunatha, Girigowda; Seth, Chandra Shekar; Singla-Pareek, Sneh Lata; Foyer, Christine H; Pareek, Ashwani; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis
2022Raising crops for dry and saline lands: Challenges and the way forwardSingh, Anil Kumar; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Foyer, Christine H.; Pareek, Ashwani
2022Seedling-stage salinity tolerance in rice: decoding the role of transcription factorsTiwari, Shalini; Nutan, Kamlesh Kant; Deshmukh, Rupesh; Sarsu, Fatma; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis; Singh, Anil K.; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Pareek, Ashwani
2020Sensing and signalling in plant stress responses: ensuring sustainable food security in an era of climate changePareek, Ashwani; Joshi, Rohit; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Foyer, Christine