Browsing by Author Ram, Hasthi

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Dissecting the nutrient partitioning mechanism in rice grain using spatially resolved gene expression profilingRam, Hasthi; Singh, Anmol; Katoch, Megha; Kaur, Ravneet; Sardar, Shaswati; Palia, Shubham; Satyam, Rohit; Sonah, Humira; Deshmukh, Rupesh; Pandey, Ajay Kumar; Gupta, Ishaan; Sharma, Tilak Raj
2021Dynamic role of aquaporin transport system under drought stress in plantsShivaraj, SM; Sharma, Yogesh; Chaudhary, Juhi; Rajora, Nitika; Sharma, Shivani; Thakral, Vandana; Ram, Hasthi; Sonah, Humira; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Sharma, Tilak Raj; Deshmukh, Rupesh
2024Genome editing for nutritional improvement of cropsShekhawat, Pooja Kanwar; Ram, Hasthi; Soni, Praveen
2024Genome-wide identification, in-silico characterisation and expression analysis of multiprotein bridging factor 1 gene family members in riceBishnoi, Alka; Ram, Hasthi; Soni, Praveen
2023Global gene regulatory network underlying miR165a in Arabidopsis shoot apical meristemSinha, Sonali; Sahadevan, Sudeep; Ohno, Carolyn; Ram, Hasthi; Heisler, Marcus G
2021Heavy metal stress in rice: uptake, transport, signaling and tolerance mechanismsKaur, Ravneet; Das, Susmita; Bansal, Sakshi; Singh, Gurbir; Sardar, Shaswati; Dhar, Hena; Ram, Hasthi
2021Identification and molecular characterization of rice bran-specific lipasesBansal, Sakshi; Sardar, Shaswati; Sinha, Kshitija; Bhunia, Rupam Kumar; Katoch, Megha; Sonah, Humira; Deshmukh, Rupesh; Ram, Hasthi
2023Meta-analysis of transcriptomics studies identifies novel attributes and set of genes involved in iron homeostasis in riceShekhawat, Pooja Kanwar; Sardar, Shaswati; Yadav, Banita; Salvi, Prafull; Soni, Praveen; Ram, Hasthi
2023Negative regulators of grain yield and mineral contents in rice: potential targets for CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editingYadav, Banita; Majhi, Ashis; Phagna, Kanika; Meena, Mukesh Kumar; Ram, Hasthi
2021Reference gene identification for gene expression analysis in rice under different metal stressSoni, Praveen; Shivhare, Radha; Kaur, Amandeep; Bansal, Sakshi; Sonah, Humira; Deshmukh, Rupesh; Giri, Jitender; Lata, Charu; Ram, Hasthi
2023Regulation of metalloid uptake in plants by transporters and their solute specificitySharma, Yogesh; Soni, Praveen; Raturi, Gaurav; Mandlik, Rushil; Rachappanavar, Vinay Kumar; Kumar, Manish; Salvi, Prafull; Tripathi, Durgesh Kumar; Ram, Hasthi; Deshmukh, Rupesh
2023Rice lipases: a conundrum in rice bran stabilization: a review on their impact and biotechnological interventionsBansal, Sakshi; Sundararajan, Sathish; Shekhawat, Pooja Kanwar; Singh, Shivangi; Soni, Praveen; Tripathy, Manas K.; Ram, Hasthi
2021Role of Serendipita indica in enhancing drought tolerance in cropsJangir, Pooja; Shekhawat, Pooja Kanwar; Bishnoi, Alka; Ram, Hasthi; Soni, Praveen
2021Serendipita indica: Harnessing its versatile potential for food and nutritional securityShekhawat, Pooja Kanwar; Jangir, Pooja; Bishnoi, Alka; Roy, Shweta; Ram, Hasthi; Soni, Praveen
2023Silicon supplementation as a promising approach to induce thermotolerance in plants: current understanding and future perspectivesBishnoi, Alka; Jangir, Pooja; Shekhawat, Pooja Kanwar; Ram, Hasthi; Soni, Praveen
2021Vacuolar iron transporter (Like) proteins: Regulators of cellular iron accumulation in plantsRam, Hasthi; Sardar, Shaswati; Gandass, Nishu