Browsing by Author Sharma, Shambhavi

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Deeper look into viruses: replication intermediates do code!Prasad, Ashish; Sharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Manoj
2024Diverse roles of phytohormonal signaling in modulating plant-virus interactionSharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Manoj
2022DNA methylation dynamics in response to abiotic and pathogen stress in plantsArora, Heena; Singh, Roshan Kumar; Sharma, Shambhavi; Sharma, Namisha; Panchal, Anurag; Das, Tuhin; Prasad, Ashish; Prasad, Manoj
2023FERONIA, the kinase that phosphorylates PhyBSharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Manoj
2017Genomics resources for abiotic stress tolerance in solanaceae cropsSharma, Shambhavi; Pandey, Saurabh; Muthamilarasan, Mehanathan; Chaudhry, Vaishali; Dulani, Priya; Prasad, Manoj
2023Multihost compatibility of Fusarium oxysporum: early root colonization effectors into the action!Prasad, Ashish; Sharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Manoj
2023Osmosensing in plants: mystery unveiledSharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Ashish; Prasad, Manoj
2023Post translational modifications at the verge of plant-geminivirus interactionPrasad, Ashish; Sharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Manoj
2023Recent perspective of non-coding RNAs at the nexus of plant-pathogen interactionSharma, Shambhavi; Sett, Susmita; Das, Tuhin; Prasad, Ashish; Prasad, Manoj
2021Role of ubiquitination enzymes in abiotic environmental interactions with plantsSharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Ashish; Sharma, Namisha; Prasad, Manoj
2024Selective autophagy: the fulcrum of plant-virus interactionSharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Ashish; Prasad, Manoj
2023Suppressing plant defence: Scavenge the ROS!Prasad, Ashish; Sharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Manoj
2023Ubiquitination from the perspective of plant pathogensSharma, Shambhavi; Prasad, Ashish; Prasad, Manoj