Browsing by Author Yadav, Gitanjali

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015An advanced draft genome assembly of a desi type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)Parween, Sabiha; Nawaz, Kashif; Roy, Riti; Pole, Anil K.; Venkata Suresh, B.; Misra, Gopal; Jain, Mukesh; Yadav, Gitanjali; Parida, Swarup K.; Tyagi, Akhilesh K.; Bhatia, Sabhyata; Chattopadhyay, Debasis
2021Arabidopsis target of rapamycin coordinates with transcriptional and epigenetic machinery to regulate thermotoleranceSharma, Mohan; Jamsheer, K.M.; Shukla, Brihaspati Narayan; Sharma, Manvi; Awasthi, Prakhar; Mahtha, Sanjeet Kumar; Yadav, Gitanjali; Laxmi, Ashverya
2023Cavity architecture based modulation of ligand binding tunnels in plant START domainsMahtha, Sanjeet Kumar; Kumari, Kamlesh; Gaur, Vineet; Yadav, Gitanjali
2011Characterization and genetic linkage mapping of the horticulturally important mutation leafless inflorescence (lli) in periwinkle Catharanthus roseusChaudhary, Swati; Sharma, Vishakha; Prasad, Manoj; Bhatia, Sabhyata; Tripathi, Bhumi Nath; Yadav, Gitanjali; Kumar, Sushil
2014The chickpea genomic web resource: visualization and analysis of the desi-type Cicer arietinum nuclear genome for comparative exploration of legumesMisra, Gopal; Priya, Piyush; Bandhiwal, Nitesh; Bareja, Neha; Jain, Mukesh; Bhatia, Sabhyata; Chattopadhyay, Debasis; Tyagi, Akhilesh K.; Yadav, Gitanjali
2016Co-authorship networks among DRDO life science scientistsBabu, S; Yadav, Gitanjali
2010Co-regulation of biomass partitioning by leafblade morphology genes AFILA, MULTIFOLIATE-PINNA, TENDRIL-LESS and UNIFOLIATA in grain pea Pisum sativumKumar, Sushil; Mishra, Raghvendra Kumar; Chaudhary, Swati; Pandey, Richa; Yadav, Gitanjali
2013Common and distinguishing characteristics of genes and genomes and their evolution in the genome sequenced legumesKumar, Sushil; Kumari, Renu; Sharma, Vishakha; Yadav, Gitanjali
2021Complex networks of prion-like proteins reveal cross talk between stress and memory pathways in plantsGarai, Sampurna; Citu; Singla-Pareek, Sneh L.; Sopory, Sudhir K.; Kaur, Charanpreet; Yadav, Gitanjali
2022Complex networks reveal biological functions of START domains in rice: Insights from computational systems biologyMahtha, Sanjeet Kumar; Citu; Prasad, Abhishek; Yadav, Gitanjali
2013Cytosine hypomethylation at CHG and CHH sites in the pleiotropic mutants of Mendelian inheritance in Catharanthus roseusKumari, Renu; Yadav, Gitanjali; Sharma, Vishakha; Sharma, Vinay; Kumar, Sushil
2021Decision support systems based on scientific evidence: bibliometric networks of invasive Lantana camaraMishra, Preet; Prasad, Abhishek; Babu, Suresh; Yadav, Gitanjali
2016Diversification of the Histone Fold Motif (HFM) in plants: Evolution of new functional rolesAmish, K; Yadav, Gitanjali
2013A draft genome sequence of the pulse crop chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)Jain, Mukesh; Misra, Gopal; Patel, Ravi K.; Priya, Pushp; Jhanwar, Shalu; Khan, Aamir W.; Shah, Niraj; Singh, Vikas K.; Garg, Rohini; Jeena, Ganga; Yadav, Manju; Kant, Chandra; Sharma, Priyanka; Yadav, Gitanjali; Bhatia, Sabhyata; Tyagi, Akhilesh K.; Chattopadhyay, Debasis
2022Ecological networks in urban forest fragments reveal species associations between native and invasive plant communitiesChauhan, Sonali; Yadav, Gitanjali; Babu, Suresh
2024Editorial: Plant transcription factors associated with abiotic stress tolerance in crops and wild-relativesPuglia, Giuseppe Diego; Frugis, Giovanna; Yadav, Gitanjali
2014EssOilDB: A database of essential oils reflecting terpene composition and variability in the plant kingdomKumari, Sangita; Pundhir, Sachin; Priya, Piyush; Jeena, Ganga; Punetha, Ankita; Chawla, Konika; Jafaree, Zohra Firdos; Mondal, Subhasish; Yadav, Gitanjali
2009Evidence for inhibitory interaction of hyaluronan binding protein 1 with S. pneumoniae hyaluronidaseYadav, Gitanjali; Prasad, Ramachandra L. A.; Jha, Babal Kant; Rai, Vivek; Bhakuni, Vinod; Datta, Kasturi
2011Gene discovery and tissue-specific transcriptome analysis in chickpea with massively parallel pyrosequencing and web resource developmentGarg, Rohini; Patel, Ravi K.; Jhanwar, Shalu; Priya, Pushp; Bhattacharjee, Annapurna; Yadav, Gitanjali; Bhatia, Sabhyata; Chattopadhyay, Debasis; Tyagi, Akhilesh K.; Jain, Mukesh
2020Gene network modules associated with abiotic stress response in tolerant rice genotypes identified by transcriptome meta-analysisSmita, Shuchi; Katiyar, Amit; Lenka, Sangram Keshari; Dalal, Monika; Kumar, Amish; Mahtha, Sanjeet Kumar; Yadav, Gitanjali; Chinnusamy, Viswanathan; Pandey, Dev Mani; Bansal, Kailash Chander