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Title: A misannotated locus positively influencing Arabidopsis seed germination is deconvoluted using multiple methods, including surrogate splicing
Authors: Majee, Manoj
Wu, Shuiqin
Salaita, Louai
Gingerich, Derek
Dirk, Lynnette M.A.
Chappell, Joseph
Hunt, Art G.
Vierstra, Richard
Downie, A. Bruce
Keywords: Activation tagging
Surrogate splicing
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Citation: Plant Gene, 10: 74-85
Abstract: A screen of activation tagged lines of Arabidopsis thaliana retrieved COLD TEMPERATURE GERMINATING10-D(tag) (CTG10-D(tag)) seeds, capable of radicle protrusion in advance of wild type (WT) at suboptimal- and optimal-temperatures. Genomic walking revealed T-DNA in the intragenic region that upregulates expression of the At4g19330 locus previously predicted to encode an F-BOX protein. A combination of surrogate splicing, primer scanning, RACE, and Illumina PolyAdenylation Tag (PAT) sequencing in petunia (Petunia X hybrida) and Arabidopsis were required to demonstrate that the region around At4g19330 was misannotated and is actually compromised of two separate genes. Even though homologous regions nearby and elsewhere on chromosome 4 are confounding elements in the molecular characterization of the locus, we could determine that the 5′ entity encodes a ribonucleoprotein of unknown function whereas the 3′ gene includes the promoter and full coding region of an F-BOX protein. Although both genes were upregulated, only independently-transformed lines over-expressing the F-Box exhibited enhanced completion of seed germination. We named it CTG10, and a single, poorly penetrant, mutant line of ctg10 manifested the expected reduced completion of seed germination. Whereas CTG10-OE lines are hyposensitive to the gibberellin biosynthetic inhibitor paclobutrazol, the ctg10 mutant line is hypersensitive; a phenotype which could be alleviated when transgenically rescued with CTG10. The F-Box moiety promoted association of CTG10 with ASK proteins in yeast two hybrid assays, indicating that it likely assembles into an SCF-type ubiquitin ligase to promote the ubiquitination of one or more substrates. In this capacity CTG10 might target a protein repressing seed germination for polyubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation.
Description: Accepted date: 19 May 2017
ISSN: 2352-4073
Appears in Collections:Institutional Publications

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